Adaptive Devices


The wheelchair is one of the most commonly used assistive device to promote mobility and enhance quality of life for people who have difficulties in walking.
Wheelchair mobility opens up opportunities for wheelchair users to study, work, engage in social activities and access services such as healthcare. In addition to providing mobility, an appropriate wheelchair benefits the physical health and quality of life of the users by helping in reducing common problems such as pressure sores, progression of deformities and improve respiration and digestion.
A wheelchair is appropriate when it meets the individual’s needs and environmental conditions; provides proper fit and postural support.
Our company will manufacture customized stroller and wheelchair
In future we will manufacture AI –based smart power mobility wheelchair which can function automatically with minimum human interference and wheelchair that can take staircase and can be used in rough terrines and customize them to child’s needs.


Adaptive equipment such as modular or positioning chairs can come in handy, especially for children in school. Some kids with cerebral palsy are in their wheelchairs for most of the day, but modular chairs offer another kind of seating system.
These chair can facilitate in feeding , studying in recreation activities and in participating in social interactions

We will design three types of modular chairs

  • One for age group 6months to 6 years
  • One for age group 6 to 14 years
  • We will also design chair seats that can fit onto any seat and is portable. The child can be then taken to restaurants, movie theaters and other social


Standers are excellent ways for children with cerebral palsy who cannot stand on their own to do weight bearing. weight bearing allows the bones to remain strong. It allow the child to be in a different position which can enable participation in different activities.

We will design supine and prone standing frames for two age groups.

  • One for age group 9 months to 6 years
  • One for 6years to 14 years


kids with cerebral palsy and other special needs who cannot be supported in a regular car seat
Car seats for special needs children are designed to provide safety, comfort and support for special needs children that make sitting upright in car and make travelling fun.
Car seat that our company will design will be portable and can be used when traveling by airplanes too.

We will design car seats for two age groups

  • Age 18 month to 6 years
  • Age 6 year and above.


Some children with cerebral palsy cannot sit on their own. This can make even the simplest task of taking a bath somewhat challenging. Thankfully there is adaptive equipment such as bath chairs and shower chairs to enable those with physical challenges to bathe or shower.
I company will make different sizes to choose from and can usually be adapted as the child grows.
We will design bath chair with support system


Some children with cerebral palsy may never have the ability to be potty-trained due to the fact they cannot develop bladder control.
If the child is able to become potty trained, there is adaptive equipment to help support them as they go to the bathroom. Again, in choosing this type of adaptive equipment, it must first be determined how much support the child needs. If a child cannot sit up on his/her own, support needs to be in place for the child to sit up on the toilet. Some of these commodes can help with things like leg positioning.
We will design toilet seats with good positioning system and by habituating the child to use the toilet we can facilitate toilet training to most of the children with special needs.


For children with disabilities, a suitable carrier can be an essential support in their daily lives
Our child carriers designed to meet the needs of children with disabilities.
It will promote closer physical proximity and interaction between parents and children, which can be particularly important for children with motor impairments or developmental delays. They also provide greater mobility and flexibility for parents, allowing them to have their hands free for other tasks while carrying the child.
It can be used in places where wheelchair accessibility is not available . when going out for shopping , hiking and travelling.


They are used by children who have difficulty speaking , are nonverbal or have speech disorder.
AAC device help children express their needs, thoughts and would facilitate in improving social skills , it helps reducing frustration due to communication difficulties.
Our company will make high-tech AAC devices that will allow child to push a button and touch screen to speak a message.
Our company will also make Dedicated devices that will only be used for a child’s communication and be customized to child’s abilities.


Adaptive tricycle is medically necessary for children who cannot walk independently or who sit for long hours in a wheelchair.
Biking is more than just recreational; it’s therapeutic it improves leg strength , posture balance and range of motion.
Biking helps socialization, their engagement with friends and family.
Biking helps socialization, their engagement with friends and family.


Adaptive utensils are designed to facilitate people with special needs to dine independently.
Adaptive focks,spoons,plates and drinking cup and glass to make every mealtime easier and more enjoyable.
Our company will make high-tech AAC devices that will allow child to push a button and touch screen to speak a message.
Our company will also make Dedicated devices that will only be used for a child’s communication and be customized to child’s abilities.


Environmental control units are adaptive devices that help people with mobility impairments control electronic devices like light , computer and various home appliance, curtains, doors and windows.
Incorporating an ECU at home setting can significantly benefit both the person and care givers.
ECU designed for disabled user to help them achieve their maximum level of independence.
Our company in the future will aim at developing ECU so that people with disability can live independently and will not need help with basic small tasks like switching on of lights and live more fulfilling life.